Title: Love and Touch
Kristine is a single mother. She has only one child named Jyohann. Kristine and her husband separated a year ago. Her husband name is Bryan and they were both now 20 year old.They always had a fight about something that they really cannot accept with each other or on the things that they cannot understand. Jyohann have always saw them in that situation, shouting with each other and uttering bad words. The couple decided to have their own lives by separating because they know that something will become even worse if they stay with each other. Kristine took care of their 3year old son and she tries to fills up the absence of her husband to their child. she always hugs and kisses him whenever she saw him alone and sad, telling that she loved him very much although his father left them. She really feels pity to her son whenever she saw him sad, seems that he misses a lot his father, he misses the times when they were playing basketball. He misses the time that they were together as one family. He misses the hugs and kisses of his father to him and the smiles that he sees on his face.
Kristine tries to make her son a little bit happy again by showing her full love and care for their son, hoping that her love and touch would heal the wounded young heart of their child.
Negative Point:
its very hard for the young child to experience such kind of problems because it was a very traumatic experience which will affect to the young mind of their child and also may affect his entire life when he grows old.
Positive Point:
their child will no longer see them fighting and shouting with each other. They can now both live in a peaceful way although its hard at first to their child to adjust in that situation.
How can you relate to the story?
i never have experience such kind of problems but some of my relatives have undergone with that situation. My aunt and uncle have separated 3years ago. they have 5 Children and the mother also took care of them. Its very hard for their children to adjust without their father and so for that, they become independent because their mother cannot control them in whatever they wanted to do. At the very young age, they also make their own family and i can say that its not good because they are yet ready to have their own family for they are not yet prepared emotionally, physically, and financially.
Essence of the story:
If we are gong to have a family, we must be ready to the consequences that may happens when we are already married. We have to be understanding and open-minded to avoid fighting with our husbands or wives. And if things are not getting well, lets make a good decision and if you decided to have a separation with your partner, we have still to show our love, care, concern and time to our children. We must make them feel that they are still in a whole family.